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5 Signs Someone Has Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury

Despite the damage they can cause, traumatic brain injuries aren’t always obvious. In fact, they can be very subtle early on, taking a few days (or even weeks) to fully present themselves. Some of these traumatic injuries manifest as nothing more than a headache initially, but ultimately lead to serious long-term health complications.

“It’s essential to see your doctor if you or a loved one took a blow to the head or body, especially if it’s causing ongoing pain or distress,” says Marvin Ross Friedman, a leading attorney at Friedman & Friedman. “This medical expert can help you understand the extent of the damage—and provide a clear record of evidence if you do decide to pursue legal action over the injury.”

To help you take action and seek assistance before it’s too late, we’ve compiled a list of the top five signs that you or a loved one may have suffered a traumatic brain injury. The more you know, the sooner you can find the medical or legal support you need to recover—and regain control of your life.

Brain Injury Symptoms

  1. Loss of consciousness

A telltale sign of a traumatic brain injury is loss of consciousness. If you black out for even a short time period following an injury to the head, seek immediate medical attention.

  1. Nausea and vomiting

This can be a sneaky symptom since feeling sick to your stomach could be caused by a variety of things. You should not ignore this symptom, especially if you recently suffered head trauma. Get evaluated as soon as possible to ensure you don’t have lasting effects from your injury.

  1. Convulsions or seizures

The brain controls the body’s functions, so when you suffer a head injury, you can face serious convulsions or seizures as the brain loses its ability to control your body. Be sure to seek medical attention to see if your symptoms need further treatment.

  1. Double vision

If your vision seems distorted or you’re seeing double, you could have suffered traumatic injuries from your accident. Don’t discount this symptom—as it could be a sign of a serious injury.

  1. Neurological issues

If you’re suffering from slurred speech, weaknesses in (or inability to control) your extremities, or trouble balancing, you could have brain injuries. Check in with a medical professional immediately to have some tests done. You might be able to avoid lasting effects.

Symptoms to Monitor After Traumatic Injuries

Some symptoms that follow a traumatic brain injury are subtle and may require frequent monitoring to spot. They could be regular symptoms that you experience without trauma to the head. These symptoms include the following:

  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to lights or sounds
  • Mood changes without cause
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Foggy thinking
  • Slower reaction times

These symptoms could come from a variety of causes—but if you’ve recently suffered a head injury, you should pay extra close attention to them. Regardless, if you experience these symptoms, get yourself evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible. Once you’ve received the medical care you need and have an official record of your injury, you can consider seeking legal compensation.

If you do decide to seek out a Miami injury attorney for legal support with your injury case, be sure to review the verdicts and settlements of each firm you consider. This step will help ensure that you choose a legal ally with a winning track record in similar injury cases—and the expertise to provide quality legal guidance.

Get Legal Help with Friedman & Friedman

If you believe that you or a loved one have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, then it’s time to contact Friedman & Friedman. Over the last 40 years, our lawyers have won several cases involving brain injuries—earning millions of dollars in settlements on behalf of our clients. With our proven record of success, we will be unrelenting in pursuing your goals and winning you justice. Connect with us today to learn more about Friedman & Friedman and how we can support you during this difficult time.


Mon Jul 1, 9:00am